Shocker职业加速器 matches 学生 with work opportunities

  • Shocker职业加速器 is in the first year of changing the way it connects 学生 有应用学习的机会.
  • The approach is modeled after NIAR's years of work that invests time in 学生 and 将他们与行业合作伙伴进行匹配.

Lauryn McIntyre is learning how to build a brand that helps HSI Wealth Strategies get the word out to people in the aviation industry that HSI understands their financial 需要.

“非常以飞行员为中心,非常以飞行员为中心,”她说. “我学到了很多 航空工业的发展.”

McIntyre, a 威奇托 状态 University senior, worked with a designer to create an HSI 与航空相关的标志. 她还组织了HSI的营销计划,与 pilots and updates the website to highlight the firm’s expertise.

“它帮助我制定了营销策略 从现实世界的角度来看,”她说. “I really had to, essentially, trust myself and learn through trial and error. 在这里, you’re going to get from point A to point B on your own.”

While McIntyre, who is majoring in 市场营销 with a minor in personal selling, is reaching beyond her comfort zone in the internship, she isn’t doing it without support. That is the key feature to the applied learning model used by Shocker职业加速器 to match 威奇托 状态 学生 with industry partners in a way that invests time 建立一种对双方都有帮助的关系.

“We are acting as second-level support for the employer and the student,” said Miriam Berrada, who works with McIntyre as partnership manager at Shocker职业加速器. “We act as mentors and mediators to help both the student and the employer get the 大部分的关系.”

It’s an approach used successfully by 威奇托 状态’s National Institute for Aviation 研究(NIAR)和Ennovar. 在过去的一年里,Shocker职业加速器做出了调整 those strategies to fields outside engineering and information technology. 超过 50 学生, in majors such as accounting, finance, 市场营销, biological sciences, psychology, medical laboratory sciences and others working with the Shocker Career Accelerator are employed directly through the applied learning model.

“It’s the model that NIAR created to serve industry partners and give 学生 real-world experience,” said Brian Austin, director of applied and experiential learning at 威奇托 状态. “We’re touching base with these 学生 every two to four weeks. 我们检查 和主管们在一起. 这是一款高触感的机型.”

We want to shift from a traditional model to being a solutions provider to industry 以一种为学生服务的方式.
Brian Austin, Shocker职业加速器

Aaron Stark, founder and owner of HSI Wealth Strategies, has used traditional ways of finding employees, including job sites and headhunters. 工作经历 with Shocker职业加速器 was more efficient, he said. Shocker职业加速器 took care of much of the preliminary work of evaluating resumes, experience and education 提出候选人.

That saved Stark time and money and delivered a relationship with 威奇托 状态 and 学生.

“这真的是与我们的合作,”他说. “随着学生的进步,他们会进行指导. 我们也指导Lauryn.”

The traditional career services model of jobs postings and career fairs remains valuable, 奥斯丁说. The applied learning model, however, can build a partnership with business, local government and non-profits and 威奇托 状态 学生.

“With this model, we’ll go out and get the 学生,” 奥斯丁说. “我们会找到他们的. 我们将审阅简历. We want to shift from a traditional model to being a solutions 以服务学生的方式为行业提供服务.”

奥斯丁说 威奇托 状态’s years of experience with applied learning and industry partners allows it to apply this model in ways that benefit all parties.

The foundation of working with businesses — as well as local government and non-profits — on legal, contract and human resource matters is long established at 威奇托 状态. That helps the process move quickly and efficiently so that 威奇托 状态 can help 寻找适合自己需求的学生.

“We have an organizational structure here at 威奇托 状态 University that allows us to have the appropriate kinds of conversations with our industry partners in a 这是其他大学做不到的。. “这让我们能够创造这些机会 对于我们的学生.”
