
威奇托n Leslie Rudd建立了 陆克文基金会 in 1994 和 in 2018 the 陆克文k8国际首页登录计划 began honoring the Midwestern values that strengthen character 和 lead to a lifetime of success in business, 社区, 和家人.

的 陆克文k8国际首页登录计划 helped more than 100 Kansans attend 威奇托 State University 和 benefit from the program’s mentoring, personal 和 professional 发展, 和 社区.

威奇托 State is proud of its role helping 陆克文的k8国际首页登录 pursue passions 和 realize 该州最大城市的梦想. 凯发的k8国际首页登录得到了 many 发展al activities outside the classroom.

的y network with leaders in their future professions, build strong relationships among themselves 和 serve to help the next generation of scholars through an active 和 connected alumni association after graduation.

Here's what Rudd Scholar 哈利弗里茨 has to say about her time at WSU:




整合营销传播 未成年人 组织领导与学习西班牙语 




I applied for the 陆克文的k8国际首页登录hip because my counselor informed me about the program. I was interested in the support 和 leadership parts of the program. 我也申请了 so I could graduate debt-free 和 save for a down payment on a house.


I wanted to attend 威奇托 State because it is an amazing campus for internships. I was also attracted to all the amenities that 威奇托 offers.

How did the 陆克文的k8国际首页登录hip 和 support structure at 威奇托 State help your academic progress?

的 陆克文的k8国际首页登录hip supported me in so many ways. 我从高中毕业的过渡期 大一真的很难. I was able to go to their office 和 tell them about it. I am also grateful for Mallie Hall, of 威奇托 State’s Counseling 和 Psychological 服务工作人员.



How did the 陆克文的k8国际首页登录hip 和 support structure at 威奇托 State help your professional 发展?

他们帮我准备实习简历. 他们也有很多专业 发展 opportunities that are open to all 陆克文的k8国际首页登录.

Tell us about your applied learning opportunities through 威奇托 State?

I had an internship through 威奇托 State at Gordon Parks Academy to give me experience in a different type of school 和 learning atmosphere. 我是拉德的实习生 Foundation office through 威奇托 State, which helps me with my integrated marketing 交流经验.

How has being a Rudd Scholar challenged you during your time at 威奇托 State?

It has brought me a 社区 that I cannot explain. 威奇托所有的路德k8国际首页登录 国家就像一个大家庭. I can call 和 text any of them 和 hang out, do homework, 然后算出来. 的y are all kind 和 willing to go out of their way to help you.

What should a Rudd Scholar know about 威奇托 State?

的re are so many resources that 威奇托 State provides. 学生可以使用食物 pantry, resume workshops, mental health services, 和 so much more.

What has been your most helpful learning experience at 威奇托 State?

的 most helpful learning experience has been the many internships, I changed my 主要 from education to integrated marketing communications, which is a completely different 主要. Now I am interning at the 陆克文基金会 as their internal marketing intern.

Aside from gatherings with other 陆克文的k8国际首页登录, what organizations are you involved 在校园和社区?

我在圣. Paul’s Catholic Student Center, a place that is special to me 因为它充满了我的心. 我和我最好的朋友一起带领一个圣经学习. 我也 我在Credo咖啡店当咖啡师. 我参与崇拜和美元 每周一次的午餐.

What advice would you give to 学生 applying for the 陆克文的k8国际首页登录hip?

的 advice I would give to 学生 applying for the 陆克文的k8国际首页登录hip is to be genuine. 的y want scholars who have grit, determination, 和 a great work ethic.


威奇托 State University is 堪萨斯' only urban public research university, enrolling almost 22,000 学生 between its main campus 和 WSU Tech, including 学生 from 美国的每个州.S. 以及100多个国家. 凯发和华盛顿州立大学是 recognized for being student centered 和 innovation driven.

Located in the largest city in the 状态 with one of the highest concentrations in the United States of jobs involving science, technology, engineering 和 math (STEM), 威奇托 State University provides uniquely distinctive 和 innovative pathways of applied learning, applied research 和 career opportunities for all of our 学生.

创新校园, which is a physical extension of the 威奇托 State University main campus, is one of the nation’s largest 和 fastest-growing research/innovation parks, encompassing over 120 acres 和 is home to a number of global companies 和 organizations.

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