威奇托 State University theater student wins national playwriting competition


威奇托 State senior 阿曼达Schmalzried's play was among 29 scripts submitted from 24 colleges and universities 全国范围内. She is the seventh 威奇托 State student who has won the competition 在其49年的历史中. 

威奇托 State University’s 阿曼达Schmalzried has won the 2024 Bela Kiralyfalvi Student Playwriting Competition for her play, “的 Angel of Death.”  

Schmalzried’s play was among 29 scripts submitted from 24 colleges and universities 全国范围内. She is the seventh 威奇托 State student who has won the competition 在其49年的历史中. 

“的 Angel of Death” will be presented as a staged reading in March 2025 at the Welsbacher 的atre in the WSU Hughes Metroplex.  

Comments from the selection competition’s selection committee include: “Unafraid to 扭曲描述. It’s a clever, humorous approach to how redemption and forgiveness can come from even the darkest, creepiest of places.” And “的 playwright seamlessly blends the script with themes of retribution and salvation. It highlights an underrepresented topic that we would love to see explored and expanded on. 这是一件精心制作的作品 of art that speaks to the human condition on a multitude of levels.” 

Schmalzried is a senior pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in theater and certificates in 导演和电影制作. Her passions are directing and scriptwriting for theater and film and TV, and she said her mission as an artist is “to create spaces for untold stories and challenge audiences with new perspectives.” 

的 威奇托 State University National Playwriting Contest was created in 1974 by Dr. Bela Kiralyfalvi, theater professor and director of the 表演艺术学院 直到2003年退休. Born in Balkany, Hungary, in 1937, Kiralyfalvi emigrated to the United States in 1956 during the time of the Hungarian revolution. 

For more information about the Bela Kiralyfalvi National Student Playwriting Competition, 访问 威奇托.edu/playwright or contact the WSU 表演艺术学院 威奇托.Edu/spa电话:316-978-3360或  performingarts@威奇托.edu


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