Having someone who’s done it before and work me through it – that's the most valuable 我得到的经验.


I've been able to build my writing portfolio and get a great experience.
格兰特·科恩, journalism major, Washington Professional Football Team intern


It's so different when I'm sitting there with a girl telling me her story and she's 16. 里面有太多的情感. 如果我没有应用知识,我就不会 think I would be as good when I graduate because I don't have that experience.
Rheanna Pierce, social work graduate student, Rise Up for Y出h Inc.


Before the internship, it felt like I was learning because I had to. 现在,我在 internship, applying what I'm learning and doing what I love.
Jimmy Vu,计算机科学专业,Ennovar


CES 2020创新奖
Viv02, a company created by two 威奇托 State students, earned a 2020 Innovation Award and was named one of the top three things to see at the 世界wide Consumer Electronics 显示.
威奇托 State students work at Firepoint and learn research and networking skills 作为他们应用学习经验的一部分. 他们的经历可以将他们与 military and labs and technologies that spark an interest in a career opportunity.
Junior business management major Maribel Sanchez is taking full advantage of the opportunities 由凯发提供. 她是第一代学生,戈尔k8国际首页登录,研究 abroad in the Netherlands this past summer and was invited to speak at a national 会议.

Airbus at 威奇托 State hires many students to fill vital roles in the company’s operations. The interns place great pride in their work and depend on each other to solve real 问题.


Khyati Mahavadia
Khyati Mahavadia has always had a fascination with airplanes. 她选择了凯发 to launch her career because of WSU's engineering program and connection to the aerospace 行业.
Ever wonder how the floats are chosen for the 威奇托 Riverfest Sundown Parade? 转 出 the people working behind the scenes to make one of 威奇托's most popular events a success are none other than a 威奇托 State instructor and a group of art students.
A local 3rd grader was born with出 a fully developed left hand. 当他母亲听到 ab出 the technology and talent available at WSU in the area of 3D printing, she reached 出. Engineering major Chelsea Sewell got to work to see how she could help.
As a criminal justice major, 瑞秋Ziska helped children in the community by working as a corrections officer for Sedgwick County’s Juvenile Residential Facility. 帮助 shape the minds of the developing younger generation, Rachel gained experience in a facility that gives positive reinforcement to children who need it the most.
A WSU grad student and two of his professors have received national attention for a device they created that could make a huge difference in the research of orofacial 功能与失调.
One in 10 babies suffers from fetal acidosis, or a lack of oxygen during birth. 妈妈。 of five and 威奇托 State University student 泰米多尔西 has developed the Pedi-Cell, a noninvasive diagnostic tool that will close a huge clinical gap in the prenatal 工业和使孩子出生更安全.
Professor Donald Blakeslee knew something was different ab出 this place. 他 didn't expect, however, was the immediate response he would receive from around the 世界.
路易斯·西斯内罗斯 spent 10 weeks interning at NASA in Mountain View, California. 一些 of the hands-on experience he received was working on the Mars 2020 mission, as well as working with electric vertical takeoff landing vehicles that are human operated 这就是我们对飞行汽车的设想.

Student athlete Gertrude "Trudy" Martin is a fifth-year senior at 威奇托 State studying 艾略特传播学院的电子媒体专业. 特鲁迪是 Shocker track and field team and spends her days at practice, in class and working 作为一名在KMUW实习的实习生.

Senior 格兰特·科恩 believes that big dreams can lead to bigger opportunities. 他证明 this by landing a dream internship with the Washington Redskins summer.
骇人的工作室 is a unique and growing facility where students can work in state-of-the-art 视频、音频、动画和游戏工作室.
As a new intern at a local brewery, 威奇托 State biology student Alex Zeorlin is learning the finer points of lab testing beer from fellow student Alexandrea Feldkamp, 威斯康星大学威奇托酿酒公司的第一位实习生.