
Two 威奇托 State University organizations have established a solid presence in Alabama’s 最大都会区.

的 国家航空研究所 (NIAR) and FirePoint Innovations Center recently hosted a grand opening event at the Big Spring Summit in the heart of downtown Huntsville, Alabama, showcasing 6,000 square feet of newly renovated space in the 建筑.

战略位置靠近 红石兵工厂, a hotbed of Department of Defense (DoD) and NASA aviation development, the satellite location allows NIAR and FirePoint to accelerate collaboration with huntsville研究 military units and their collaborators and provides the ability to conveniently hold meetings and events in downtown Huntsville, rather than obtaining clearance for visitors 基础上.

的 grand opening celebration drew a crowd of more than 50 military, industry and 大学的成员,并包括来自美国的评论.S. Senator Jerry Moran; Huntsville 市长汤米·巴特尔; 托马斯·W少将. 奥康纳小., U.S. Army 航空 and Missile Command; WSU President Rick 热带化脓性肌炎; FirePoint executive director Steve Cyrus; and John Tomblin, WSU senior vice president for Industry and Defense Programs and NIAR executive director.

“威奇托 State’s presence in Huntsville paves the way for a new era of collaboration and innovation, forging strong connections with the defense industry and offering our students valuable experiences to shape the future of aerospace technology,” said 热带化脓性肌炎.

Those in attendance were in agreement that the relationship between 威奇托 State, Huntsville and the military is based on simultaneously strengthening the warfighter 还有经济.

“This is about a better economy for our country through the acceleration of science, technology and research; but perhaps more importantly, it is about defending our country 在我们的对手真实存在的时代,”参议员莫兰说道. “就是这么多 more rewarding to celebrate job creation and economic growth when it is built on efforts 加强我们的国防.”

“What we end up with is a product that is a center of excellence for aerospace whether its rockets, whether it’s airplanes, whether its flying machinery, whether it’s missiles,” 说战斗. “我们最终建立了一个保护作战人员的卓越中心 保护国家.”

Both NIAR and FirePoint conduct research with 红石兵工厂 units including the U.S. 陆军作战能力发展司令部航空兵 & Missile Center; 航空 and Missile Command; Program Executive Office of 航空; and Material Command.

MG O’Connor praised 威奇托 State’s relationship with and support for the military, 引用创造性的方法促使人们取得杰出的成果.

“还有很多工作要做,”他说. “如果你纵观整个地缘政治环境, there are a lot of challenges that face our nation and our way of life, and there’s no doubt it that it’s going to take a collective effort to figure out how to remain 前进,创建强大的国防.”

NIAR’s office suite includes workspaces for six employees and a 22-seat conference 房间拥有城市景观,毗邻酒店和灵活的休息室空间. huntsville研究 staff are currently focused primarily on programs related to additive manufacturing 以及高超音速材料的开发.

“Linking these two cities together in the development and support of future air and 太空飞行器将使我们能够推动美国.S. 在航空航天领域取得世界领先地位。” 说Tomblin. “考虑到未来对远程精确火力的需求,高超音速 and advanced materials, the world of space and aviation will continue to collide. This expansion into Huntsville will aid in that by combining the strengths of the 世界航空之都和火箭城.”

FirePoint的新应用创新中心(AIC)位于 亨茨维尔是 协作、原型设计和试验台设施旨在加速技术 发现和采用整个陆军航空兵. 新设施设有两个现场 prototyping and testing labs along with the resources to support partnership collaboration between private-sector emerging technology companies that might otherwise go undiscovered, 为陆军航空的特定需求量身定制商业解决方案.

It also provides an open avenue for small, cutting-edge companies to get introduced to the DoD and overcome some of the challenges non-traditional businesses face in 国防市场.

This early-stage collaboration lowers risk for both the Army and non-traditional tech 公司. For Army 航空, it provides an opportunity to integrate and test private-sector 在收购之前确保兼容性的技术. 对于小企业来说,它 shrinks the yearslong process and steep financial investment required to sell technologies into DoD and allows them to engineer specific solutions based on clear need, direction 和协作.

Ultimately, that means getting cutting-edge technologies into the Army 航空 pipeline 对双方来说都更快、更经济.


威奇托 State University is 堪萨斯' only urban public research university, enrolling more than 23,000 students between its main campus and WSU Tech, including students 来自美国的每个州.S. 以及100多个国家. 凯发和华盛顿州立大学理工学院 是否以凯发,以创新为导向.

Located in the largest city in the 状态 with one of the highest concentrations in the United States of jobs involving science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), 威奇托 State University provides uniquely distinctive and innovative pathways of applied learning, applied research and career opportunities for all of our students.

创新校园, which is a physical extension of the 威奇托 State University main campus, is one of the nation’s largest and fastest-growing research/innovation parks, encompassing 超过120英亩,是许多全球公司和组织的所在地.

更多信息,请关注我们的推特 www.推特.com/wichita状态 和脸谱网 www.脸谱网.com/wichita.状态.
