这个学位是关于你和你所希望的教育. 我们教授数字流畅性 for the modern age through team-based challenges solving real problems that our industry 合作伙伴面临. 我们的课程使学生成为创造性的问题解决者 以及技术驱动世界的领导者. 以人为本,注重实效 and digital skills, critical thinking, and ethical considerations, our curriculum 使毕业生在当今的数字环境中脱颖而出.

CES拉斯维加斯队列+ Kristyn Waits


满足当前MID队列的动态思维! 这些非凡的人 aren't just riding the wave; they're the ones making them. 看看多学科 我们组建的团队!


创新. 打破. 迭代. 使.

Students Kristyn Smith, Maggie Koops, and Jared Goering are being advised by Jeremy Patterson.


每个学生都会选择他们想走的路. 从核心设计课程和 engineering skills, as well as human centered design-thinking infused curriculum across 校园.
James Balman在Go创建制作露得清光疗面膜原型


Be part of an experiment-driven active learning approach that creates structure and process to the chaos that characterizes the early stages of creative pursuits.
Hassan Farhoud and Mark Elliott are learning from classmate, Maggie Koops, in the Beech Windtunnel


Our students come from various disciplines with different strengths and weaknesses; 但他们都对创造、合作和玩乐充满热情. 
Jared Goering and Ryan give presentation for Cy5 at Red Bull Launch Institute in NYC


学生可以使用WIDGET和 Go创建, as well as leading industry professionals from our community and across the globe.


To complete the 创新设计硕士 degree, you must complete a total of 30学时.
Up to 6 hrs can come from 创新 in Practice and an additional 6 hrs can come 从项目.
You can also choose other graduate courses from disciplines across 校园, not listed 下面.


设计思维是一种以人为中心的解决复杂问题的方法. 学习 wholistic Design Thinking process, Design Sprints, and Service Design Thinking ideal 创造和改进产品、服务、流程和组织.

  • id513设计思维 -学会利用和促进 human centered design thinking process of empathy, define, ideate, prototype, test to innovate creative solutions for complex problems including new product development 还有社会问题. 
  • id508设计冲刺 – first introduced by Google Ventures, Design sprints is used throughout the world to innovate new ideas and solve complex business issues through understanding, design, 制作原型,测试想法.
  • id710服务设计思维 – A successful service is a series of events sequenced to result in an intended outcome. It requires consideration of the user, planning, prototyping, testing and execution. Learners will use the Service Design Blueprint to plan, sequence and develop the front stage and back stage services necessary to deliver and exceptional user experience.

Learn how to apply empirical processes in a distributed team environment - Agility 不仅仅是一个过程,还是一种心态.

  • ID 511 敏捷 Product Management - prepare for integration into a professional 敏捷 产品开发环境. 您将学习如何在产品中进行协作 team, establish an 敏捷 product development workflow, estimate solutions effort and 付出代价,学会优雅地失败.
  • ID 705D 敏捷 Software Development - don’t just learn to code, learn to develop products. Develop the technical skills necessary to excel in a cross-functional, distributed 使用敏捷软件开发技术的团队环境. 

Start applying traditional concepts in sustainability to complex problems in innovation 对于整体方法.

  • ID 509 Applied 可持续性 in 创新 - participate in thoughtful discussion on sustainability, adoption of sustainable practices and policies, and employ hands-on 分析创新解决方案的长期可持续性. 
  • id720可持续团队 & 组织-评估和讨论长期可持续性 of different management approaches in individual, team, and organizational settings. 

Starting from cardboard to creating a fully developed prototype - you will be able 展示你的想法,而不仅仅是说说而已. 

  • id752产品、服务 & 过程原型-您将学习如何使用 machines at Go创建, Engineering Labs, and other industry partner spaces to demonstrate 展示你的想法、产品或过程.
  • ID 515区块链基础- Provides students with a working understanding of the blockchain, cryptocurrencies 令牌、NFT和Web3.0. 课程主题包括中央集权和 decentralized computer systems, the birth and core concepts of blockchain, tokenomics and microeconomies, the evolution of the blockchain to now, and current examples of 应用区块链技术.
  • ID 516 区块链 Applications - Provides an overview of the basics of blockchain technologies, and then dives deeper into four applications used in the blockchain ecosystem: Smart Contracts, decentralized applications, blockchain platforms and NFT’s. Course topics include an overview of a few of the programming languages behind Smart Contracts with a walkthrough of a Smart Contract in Solidity, the technology and use of decentralized applications, the various platforms in blockchain and how and why they are useful, and Non-Fungible Tokens in use today as well as what projects are 我们正在研究如何在未来使用它们.
  • id840创新实践- Built around experiential enrichment related to the broad topic of innovation. 主题 such as intellectual property, branding, pitching, wire-framing, prototyping and funding are discussed in a group setting and may include guest speakers and/or visits to local 公司.
  • ID 841 Project - An independent study course for students undertaking the project development/creativity option for completion of the Master of 创新 Design.



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Send us a message if you want more information about collaborations or if you are 有兴趣申请创新设计硕士.


All Links Below This Line of Text will take you to the 威奇托 State Admissions page.
If you want to speak to someone from The 创新与设计学院 or Masters 创新设计计划,点击上面的链接之一.