震慑i -军团正在转变. 我们目前不接受申请. 如果你 ARE INTERESTED IN THE NSF I-CORPS PROGRAM PLEASE CONTACT 雪利酒 WHITSON AT 316-978-6359 OR 雪利酒.WHITSON@WICHITA.EDU 了解更多信息. 更新将在不久的将来到来.

为什么我应该申请I- corps?

WSU Engineering Team Selected to Participate in National I-Corps 


A 威奇托 State University engineering team has been accepted to participate in the 国家科学基金会 (NSF) Innovation Corps (I-Corps) program.

的 MagicHand team began the seven-week program, which is designed to provide a path 3月份开始商业化. 该团队对机器人抓取进行了研究, 灵巧的操作和环境感知. 该团队由工程师李辉组成 研究生;  Hongsheng He, assistant professor in the School of Computing; and Vis Madhavan, professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering and founder of 费尔蒙特技术 有限责任公司. 李担任企业负责人. Dr. 他是这个团队的学术带头人 Madhavan is the team’s mentor – roles required by the NSF for all I-Corps projects.




凯发是一所 国家科学基金会 (NSF) I-Corps网站. 的 冲击创新队 nurtures and supports 威奇托 State entrepreneurial teams interested in transitioning their STEM ideas, devices, processes or other intellectual activities into the marketplace in anticipation of 利润.

Ideas/projects can originate from student work, research (funded or unfunded) and 机构/工业项目. 项目的主题焦点必须在STEM中 area.


  • 种子基金(每名申请人最高2,150元)
  • 客户验证培训和经验
  • 本地专家指导
  • 获得创业资源
  • 与当地创新生态系统建立联系
  • 维护你的知识产权

Each 冲击创新队 applicant must have a team that includes an 企业领导, an 学术领导,和 导师.

  • 企业领导 can be a Post-Doctoral scholar, graduate student, undergraduate or other student, or professional university staff member, with relevant knowledge of the technology and a deep commitment to investigate the commercial landscape surrounding the innovation. 的 企业领导 must be capable and have the desire to support the transition of the technology, should the project demonstrate the potential for commercial viability.
  • 导师 must be an experienced or emerging entrepreneur with proximity to WSU and experienced 把技术从学术实验室转移出来. 导师是一个第三方资源. 导师可以由创业领导选择.

    If you have not identified a 导师 or need assistance identifying a mentor, please indicate this information on the application and WSU Ventures will do our best to 为你的项目找一位导师
  • 学术领导 must have an academic appointment that would normally qualify him/her to submit proposals or play the role of a Principle Investigator in subsequent submissions to NSF.

As part of the I-Corps commercialization initiative, the 冲击创新队 will provide up to $2,150 per team for 30 teams each year. 这笔资金被授予 to accepted teams during a six-month period to support team-based customer discovery research aimed at investigating the commercial viability of a product or a specific market application of a novel process, algorithm, device, or other technology.

的 冲击创新队 award can be used to fund any expenses related to customer 发现研究,包括原型成本. 团队大约有6个月的时间 花他们的奖金. 费用包括:

  • Materials and Supplies: used to create a prototype (for products) or pilot program (服务)
  • Meetings, Conferences, Tradeshows and 培训: Cost of registration/admission as 以及相关的辅助成本. (i.e.交通费、餐费、演讲费、 等.)
    • 会议必须与产品/服务行业相关
    • Meetings hosted by the team for the purpose of customer discovery or market research
  • Transportation: Costs related to the delivery of goods (freight, postage or other transportation services relating to goods purchased or delivered)
  • Travel costs: Costs related to travel, accommodations, and meals while traveling for 客户发现和市场研究的目的

*Legal fees and Administrative Costs (office supplies and equipment) cannot be included.

Additional follow-on funding is available, but not guaranteed. 注意这些都是竞争性的 程序:


企业领导 for each team must commit to attending E-Launch training (six sessions), complete required assignments, meetings with mentor, market research, customer delivery, and 其他基本创业活动. EL将获得学费折扣 for the E-Launch training sessions, and the $250 will be deducted from the seed funding. Completion of a minimum of two training sessions will be required before the initial 可以支付种子资金.

Failure to successfully complete the program training elements may be grounds for disqualification from the 冲击创新队 program and forfeiture and/or repayment 所有与项目相关的种子资金.

  • 团队项目商业化
  • Applications submitted by Site teams to NSF's I-Corp Team Program
  • 新成立的企业
  • 许可协议
  • Creation of business plans suitable for review by third-party investors

All teams will make a “go/no-go” decision about commercialization of their technology 在收到资助后六个月内.

的 program was very well built and offers great knowledge and tools to tackle very 企业的重要和决定性的方面
Being at WSU and being a 国家科学基金会 program has helped us tremendously as far as showing people what we've been able to accomplish since we've started which adds even more credibility for us going forward and ultimately led to people trusting us to not only invest, but to partner with us as we developed our program.